Friday, June 26, 2009

A Very Sad Day

I still can't believe that Farrah and Michael have passed. It seems so surreal to me. And on the same day just a few hours apart. The realization of growing older really hit me with Michael Jackson's death. He was just 3 years younger than me. WOW! I heard about Farrah's death first and then whamo! Michael Jackson was taken to the hospital. That was basically it for news about her. So many of the television stations took the rest of the day to report on MJ and once they got word that he had passed, they devoted the rest of the programming in tributes and interviews about him. I know he was the King of Pop but she was a sex symbol for most of the teen guys I knew. It was probably due to the fact that she had cancer and his was sudden. I will miss them both! RIP.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I have never blogged before and typing the word "blogged" seems so alien to me. I remember having a diary when I was a young girl. That is where you would write down your deepest, darkest secrets and know they would be "safely" locked away. Most diary's came with a lock and key, so we thought our secrets were safe. They were kept about as safe as writing them here on this blog. Today, things are quite different. I 'm really glad that I grew up during the 60's and 70's. Life seemed a little less complicated than today.